Policies & Guidelines

Seabreeze Amusement Park

Home > Plan Your Visit > Policies & Guidelines

We want you to be informed about the park's policies and assist in planning your visit to Seabreeze.

Please review this information. If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, contact us or upon arrival visit one of the Gate Services windows at the admission gates.

Safety is our #1 concern.

The park is committed to providing a safe, fun environment for our guests, and we strictly enforce all state and manufacturer regulations. Also, please note the rules and regulations posted around the park and at the attractions. These rules are in place for safety’s sake; please follow them to ensure a safe, enjoyable visit.

Please note: The policies, guidelines and other information contained on this website are subject to change at any time. This site does not include all park policies, and should not be considered fully comprehensive. If you have additional questions, please ask. This website is intended as an overview guide, and all information is meant to assist the guest with their visit to Seabreeze.

General Information

Attractions Guidelines

Please Note: the policies, guidelines and other information contained on this website are subject to change at any time. This site does not include all park policies, and should not be considered fully comprehensive. If you have additional questions, please ask. This website is intended as an overview guide, and all information is meant to assist the guest with their visit to Seabreeze.

Our Sponsors

  • Slush Puppie logo
  • Town & Country Pest Solutions logo
  • Pepsi Logo