Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Seabreeze Amusement Park

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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting Ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information is very important to us. All personal information collected (i.e., name, address, telephone number, email address, billing address, ship-to address and credit card information) will be used only to fulfill orders placed through Unless required by law, governmental request, or court order, we absolutely do not share personal information. The personal information you provide through checkout or otherwise is maintained in private files on our secure web server and on our internal systems only.

Terms of Use

PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. BY USING THIS SITE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SITE. is a website devoted to Seabreeze Park in Rochester, NY. The information provided on this site is intended to assist new and returning visitors in planning a trip to the park and/or serve as a reminder of a previous trip. Visitors to this site have an option to register for a Seabreeze Park generated newsletter. Registration is not required to use the site and those that do register can opt-out at any time. Seabreeze will not sell, rent, or give your name or address to anyone. While we encourage you to print information which will help plan your visit to our facilities, no photographs, images or other materials from our site may be copied, downloaded, transmitted, distributed or used in any other way, including for any commercial use. Also, you may not alter or attempt to alter any materials or information on the site, or the site itself.

For those purchasing Seabreeze tickets through this site, please note:
Seabreeze etickets (single day ticket or multi-day park passports) are “print at home tickets” that you can purchase over the Internet and that are available to you upon completion of your on-line transaction via a separate return email and/or as a downloadable Adobe file to your desktop, tablet or smartphone. Your ticket is good only for the stated offer and date or time period printed on your ticket. Only tickets obtained from Seabreeze or offices authorized by Seabreeze to sell/distribute tickets will be honored. Tickets are not valid if reproduced in any manner. No refunds, exchanges or replacements of any kind are given on a ticket. Offers subject to change. All park rules and restrictions apply; failure to abide by park rules may be cause for ejection. Picnic ticket holders get a special wristband at the gate that gives them admission to their group’s picnic grove; those without special wristbands are not admitted into the grove (except children 2 and under). Ticket holder grants permission to use his/her photo and video images taken at the park to be used for advertising purposes without payment to the holder. If you want to contact Seabreeze for any reason regarding our website policies and practices, please write or email us at the following address:

Marketing Department
Seabreeze Park
4600 Culver Road
Rochester, NY 14622

Or via email:

Copyrights, Trademark Restrictions and Information

All images and copy displayed on this site are the protected property of George W. Long, Inc. (Seabreeze Amusement Park) and can only be used under license or written consent and remain the property of their respective owner. NO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF, COPYING, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, REPUBLISHING, UPLOADING, DOWNLOADING, POSTING, TRANSMITTING, DISTRIBUTING OR DUPLICATING OR ANY OTHER MISUSE OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL IS ALLOWED. Information presented on this site is accurate at the time of publication, but is subject to change at any time.

Website and Online Store Accessibility

Seabreeze strives to make our website accessible. We are committed to meeting the needs of all of our guests, including those with disabilities.  Seabreeze strives to comply with website ADA accessibility guidelines in WCAG 2.2 AA, and continues to make updates as they are needed. In the meantime, if the format of any material on our web pages interferes with your ability to access information, or if you have questions or concerns, please contact us to request personal assistance.  Call the park at (585) 323-1900 or toll free in New York at 1-800-395-2500.  Or you may submit an inquiry.

Our Sponsors

  • Town & Country Pest Solutions logo
  • Pepsi Logo
  • Slush Puppie logo