Adult Chaperone Policy

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Our Policy:

Seabreeze has an Adult Chaperone Policy. On Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and special events, guests aged 17 and under (or under 21 on School Group Days) must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Everyone, including the chaperone, must buy a ticket or show their season passport photo ID to enter the park.

An adult chaperone is a family member, guardian or other supervising adult over the age of 21 with valid ID, including a photograph and date of birth. Each adult chaperone can accompany up to five youths, must be present at the time of entry, and must remain within the park for the duration of their party’s visit.

Those near the age of 18 will be asked to show valid photo identification with date of birth upon arrival. Valid ID types include driver’s license, non-driver ID card, college ID, passport, visa or military ID.

Events ticketed through the Group Sales Department are exempt from the Adult Chaperone Policy.

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