Ticket Donation Request Form
Seabreeze Amusement Park
We are pleased to help charitable organizations. We attempt to satisfy all requests for donations for charitable events. The following process helps us as we review the many inquiries we receive each year.
Seabreeze generally donates 2 Weekday Plus Tickets to qualified nonprofit organizations who, through their efforts, strive to strengthen our community and help those in need. The tickets must be used ONLY for fund-raising events that include efforts such as auctions & prize drawings.
In order to be eligible for this program:
- No telephone, mailed, or faxed requests will be accepted. All requests must be completed using the online form below.
- You must be a nonprofit organization granted tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Requests without a 501 (c) (3) number are not eligible.
- A request letter on official letterhead must be uploaded into the form below.
- Requests must be made 30 days before the donation is needed.
- All tickets donated will expire at the end of our current summer season.
- Due to the high volume of donation requests, we are unable to provide the status of your request. If your request is approved, the tickets will be mailed to the address you provide prior to your event date.