About Seabreeze

Seabreeze Amusement Park

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multiple families on the tea cups

More than 60 great attractions

You’ll find thrilling rides and classic family rides – plus some cool kiddie rides too. Make a splash in the waterpark, play great games, enjoy classic summertime food, and attend live shows as part of the ultimate family fun experience in Upstate NY.

Mom eating ice cream with boys

Clean, safe, & manageable.

Seabreeze Amusement Park

It’s not too big and not too small – just the right size for your family. The park is close by, easy to get to with highway access, and there’s plenty of free parking. Whether you want to experience all the great rides and slides, or just relax and take in the spectacular views and cool summer breezes off Lake Ontario, you’ll have a wonderful, memorable day with your family. And it’s all yours at a price that will make you smile.

Seabreeze Employees

Summer Jobs!


In addition to wages, park employees enjoy rides and slides, crew parties, a variety of incentives, discounts and more. You’re encouraged to join a team of over 800 that combines hard work with the rewarding experience of providing fun to thousands of families.

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More than 60 great attractions!

Park Attractions

Bumper Cars

Thrill Rides

Got a wild side? Experience the ultimate rush with our Thrill Rides. Hold on tight as you soar through twists, turns, and drops that will leave you breathless and wanting more!

Boy on yellow slide

Water Park

Beat the heat at the Soak zone, grab your buddy and race down the Hydro Racer, or enjoy a float on the lazy river! Best place to cool off during the summer and make lasting memories.

Women and daughter on balloon race

Family Rides

Family rides offer a unique way for families to bond and create lasting memories. Enjoy pure fun on the Carousel, Teacups and more!

boy on kiddie ride rocket

Kiddie Rides

From a junior coaster to Kiddie City, we have rides for the little ones! Spend hours of fun floating in the air, taking a classic out for a spin, or strapped into the swings!

The Jack Rabbit

Behind the Scenes!

Learn about the history of the Jack Rabbit and see beautiful views of North America’s oldest continually operating rollercoaster!

The Carousel

Behind the Scenes!

Learn how the Carousel is the the heart and soul of Seabreeze park and how it creates the perfect setting for many memories.

Making Guests Smile

Behind the Scenes!

This is what Seabreeze is all about SMILES. Watch and hear what it is about the park that makes people smile.

Opening the Park

Behind the Scenes!

Take a look at what goes into a day at Seabreeze. See the crew getting the park ready to open, operating the rides and attractions, and our guests having fun and making memories. It’s Rochester’s hometown park in a special peek behind the “curtain”.

The Groves

Behind the Scenes!

It doesn’t get any better than Seabreeze’s picnic groves – great views, food, rides, cool breezes, and more!

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Our Sponsors

  • Pepsi Logo
  • Town & Country Pest Solutions logo
  • Slush Puppie logo